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Aug 11, 2017

Give me things that money can’t buy. Give me your attention, your undivided attention. The way you listen to my words, the questions you ask about my stories, the little details that you remember about the first time we met and the little things you notice about me that I couldn’t notice about myself. Give me your attention because it means you care. Give me your time. Find a moment in your busiest of days to tell me you miss me. Spend your time with me because you want to, b ecause there’s no other place you’d rather be. Give me your time because it’s the one thing you can’t take back, and when you give someone your time, it shows how much you value them. Give me your time because sometimes that’s all I need. Give me your loyalty. Show me that I can trust you. Give me the reassurance that you’re all in, that you’re not confused, that you know what you want — that you know you want me. Be loyal to my heart, protect it, and don’t try to win my love if you’re just going to take it for granted. Give me your heart. All of it — not just a little bit, not just the broken pieces, not just the guarded parts, give me all of it. Don’t be stingy with your heart, don’t be stingy with your feelings and don’t be stingy with your emotions. Be vulnerable with me, be honest, be sensitive, be romantic, be affectionate, be giving and open yourself to me like you’ve never been hurt. Give me your heart because it’s the only thing that matters. Give me the things that will last whether we’re rich or poor. Give me the things that will matter no matter where we are. Give me unforgettable conversations instead of dinners, shower me with your secrets instead of your gifts, pick me up when I’m feeling down instead of buying me off and give me something the world can’t take back. Give me something the world can’t break and give me something that will never lose its worth. ~ R. Naim

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